Ringwood Phone Numbers

Fixed Lines

  • +44 1425 205524
  • +44 1425 473513
  • +44 1425 278008
  • +44 1425 927115
  • +44 1425 454945
  • +44 1425 503682
  • +44 1425 877946
  • +44 1425 641243
  • +44 1425 832856
  • +44 1425 724863

Mobile Lines

  • +44 7700 172016
  • +44 7199 540240
  • +44 7911 020739
  • +44 7389 265229
  • +44 7457 702454
  • +44 7762 671162
  • +44 7561 712757
  • +44 7911 858995
  • +44 7457 842562
  • +44 7456 486551

The Ringwood area code is +441425 and the calling code forUnited Kingdom is +44. An area code of a region containsthe country code. This means that phone numbers in Ringwood start with +441425. The phone number format for Ringwood is +44 1425 XXXXXX.

You can use these phone numbers to compare them with a phone number that your received from someone in Ringwood.In this way, you can ensure that the number is valid and from Ringwood.

Generate random phone numbers for Ringwood and use them to test your validations or show them as an example for users. The users will know how they should type their phone number.For example, if you require the number for a landline in Ringwood and the user enters his local number without the prefix 441425 and he doesn't specify area code, then you don't knowif the number is correct.