Cardiff Phone Numbers
Fixed Lines
- +44 29 1315 9820
- +44 29 1864 1327
- +44 29 1295 7005
- +44 29 1620 4231
- +44 29 1907 0567
- +44 29 1956 1239
- +44 29 1047 7193
- +44 29 1791 7253
- +44 29 1541 3115
- +44 29 1730 6386
Mobile Lines
- +44 7505 516416
- +44 7458 367122
- +44 7911 815416
- +44 7457 929551
- +44 7460 120448
- +44 7457 704738
- +44 7700 033539
- +44 7457 416827
- +44 7836 423846
- +44 7700 112496
The Cardiff area code is +44291 and the calling code forUnited Kingdom is +44. An area code of a region containsthe country code. This means that phone numbers in Cardiff start with +44291. The phone number format for Cardiff is +44 29 1XXX XXXX.
You can use these phone numbers to compare them with a phone number that your received from someone in Cardiff.In this way, you can ensure that the number is valid and from Cardiff.
Generate random phone numbers for Cardiff and use them to test your validations or show them as an example for users. The users will know how they should type their phone number.For example, if you require the number for a landline in Cardiff and the user enters his local number without the prefix 44291 and he doesn't specify area code, then you don't knowif the number is correct.