Phone Numbers

Fixed Lines

  • +1 204-574-6038
  • +1 343-868-3460
  • +1 343-950-6586
  • +1 343-502-0975
  • +1 250-756-1475
  • +1 343-645-5415
  • +1 367-763-5502
  • +1 204-538-3632
  • +1 204-996-6829
  • +1 819-909-7671

Mobile Lines

  • +1 236-410-1010
  • +1 249-382-0287
  • +1 306-234-1707
  • +1 506-528-4266
  • +1 204-606-6493
  • +1 367-810-6426
  • +1 249-400-3200
  • +1 438-910-0126
  • +1 289-809-3319
  • +1 365-815-6675

Telephone numbers of

is part of the Alberta region. The area code for is and the calling code [email protected] is +1. The phone number format is +X XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Every city of Alberta has a different prefix that is used for fixed lines. Back in the old days, when someone wanted to call a person from another city, theyshould first dial the prefix code of that area.

For mobile phones, you don't need to specify the area code of , but when you want to call a fixed line number, you should first type the area code.In case of you dial first +.

This tool can be used if you want to have a list of random phone numbers that can be used for unit tests or in case you need some placeholders.